Shiba Inu's Amo-san
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Shiba Dog's Amo-san

Halloween 2018

Oct. 22, 2018 File No. 49


We can’t wait for next week’s Halloween, so we had Amo-san in an outfit once again this year beforehand.

First, we had Amo-san play the guitar! The outfit is extra-large, and there’s a velcro on it. This outfit can be purchased online.

Guitarist outfit for dogs

The guitar is so tiny compared to the Martin Backpacker on the left!

Guitar for dogs and Martin Backpacker Shiba Inu’s Amo-san taking guitarist outfit for dogs

How adorable!

Shiba Inu’s Amo-san becoming guitarist Shiba Inu’s Amo-san becoming guitarist

Next, we have a sailor suit!

Sailor suit for dogs

Again, this outfit is extra-large with velcro on. Let’s set sail with Amo-san!

Shiba Inu’s Amo-san having sailor suit Shiba Inu’s Amo-san having sailor suit

Here’s your hat, Captain!

Shiba Inu’s Amo-san having sailor hat Shiba Inu’s Amo-san having sailor suit

What we have next is a ninja costume!

Ninja costume for dogs Shiba Inu’s Amo-san having Ninja costume

The spirit of Japan, Ninja Amo-san!

Shiba Inu’s Amo-san having Ninja costume

Amo-san and his sharp blade!

Shiba Inu’s Amo-san having Ninja costume

The size is 3L and with buttons.

Last but not least, we have a pumpkin frame for Amo-san. This was made by our acquaintance who is an artist.

Custom made Pumpkin frame Shiba Inu’s Amo-san with Pumpkin frame Shiba Inu’s Amo-san with Pumpkin frame

Amo-san surely transformed a lot this year! Thank you, Amo-san!

Here is a behind the scenes video of last year’s Halloween.

Side Note: Please be careful of the volume.

For YouTube, click here.

For other year’s Halloween, please refer to the following articles.

Halloween2017 File22 Halloween and Shiba Inu's Amo-san

Thanks for reading!

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