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Shoyu To Kai To Men- Soshite Hito To Yume (near west exit of Tsukamoto station/Nishiyodogawa Ward)

Nov. 02, 2017 File No. 29

The final restaurant we would like to introduce is a restaurant that opened on February, 2016, called Shoyu To Kai To Men- Soshite Hito To Yume.

(Side Note: We got permission for photography.)

Outside view of Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume

Here is the menu outside the restaurant.

Menu outside Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume

We entered at 11:15 a.m., and we chose the counter seats. The counter table had seven seats, and the two regular tables had nine seats. You may not smoke at all. When we entered, there were already three people, and when it was 11:45, which was the time we finished eating, lots more came.

Menu inside Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume Regular tables of Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume

At first we thought there are lots of liquor on top of the counter, but it was soy sauce! What a fabulous way to decorate such bottles!

Bottles of s soy sauce Bottles of s soy sauce

The menu is on the countertop. We looked at this menu and ordered. You pay at the cashier after you’re done eating.

Menu of Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume

There were lots of scribblings in the restaurant, such as the price and the variety of toppings, and where the tissues are.

Counter table of Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume

Chicken and clam salt based ramen

Chicken and clam salt based ramen in Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume Chicken and clam salt based ramen in Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume

The soup is made from clams from Osaka Municipal Central Wholesale Market and salt from the Himalayas. Since the soup had a taste of citrus in it, we asked the Chef why. He said that he added grated citron peels into the soup. The noodles were soft and the rare roasted chicken were munchy that they both were a great match with the clam soup.

Chicken broth based dipping noodle

Chicken broth based dipping noodle Chicken broth based dipping noodle

This menu is limited amount only, and the chicken broth and the chicken are boiled for ten hours. The noodles and the rare roasted chicken were munchy. The soup was rich flavored.


Go a hundred fifty meters diagonally right (northwest) from Tsukamoto Station West Gate.

Shops and restaurants around Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume

If you go by car, you may want to park at Times Tsukamoto No. 4, which is diagonally across the restaurant.

Why not stop by? Thanks for reading!

Outside view of Shoyu To Kai To Men Soshite Hito To Yume

Shoyu To Kai To Men- Soshite Hito To Yume Info

Kashiwazato 3-12-22, Nishiyodogawa Ward, Osaka City, Osaka, Japan

Opening Hours:
Lunch= 11:30 a.m. ~ 2:30 p.m.
Dinner= 5 p.m. ~ 10:30 p.m.

Closes on random days

Update date

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Ramen spots near west exit of Tsukamoto station

Ramen spots near west exit of Tsukamoto station