Apr. 30, 2019 File.63
We took Amo-san to Shukugawa Riverbed Greenlands, one of the hundred cherry sites. Since it was early April, there was a chance of parking areas being full. Thus, we parked five hundred meters away from Kurakuenguchi Station and walked to the riverbed.
Of the east side of Kurakuenguchi Station, there is the greenlands.
Amo-san was surely excited to see some cherry sites for his very first time!
Amo-san was interested in the cherries being mirrored.
We were lucky to have fun at such a sunny day!
You can enjoy the cherry blossoms along the river at Shukugawa Riverbed Greenlands. There are several continuous stones on river that people can cross like a bridge.
It felt like heaven when the sun illuminated the east side of Shukugawa at noon because it wasn’t that shady.
At Kurakuenguchi Bridge, many people gathered to see the glamorous view.
A monument certifying as the hundred cherry sites was near the bridge.
Amo-san is feeling the depth of the monument.
The map of Nishinomiya tells us the beauty of Shukugawa Park.
Let’s say goodbye to Amo-san since he had lots of fun at noon at the Shukugawa Riverbed Greenlands.
Shiba-Inu’s Amo-san was fully satisfied with walking around.
Welcome to the Night
We now bring to you the night view of Shukugawa Riverbed Greenlands. Despite having lots of lighting, the park is a bit dark.
At Kurakuenguchi Bridge, we got to experience lots of vibrant colors that was different from that from noon.
It was also beautiful below the bridge as well.
The cherry trees surrounded the playground at the west side of Shukugawa.
The southeastern view from Kurakuenguchi Bridge projected a vivid hue.
The most beautiful part was the cherry orchestra at the northeastern side of the bridge.
Even though it was dark beneath our feet, we got to realize how beautifully Shuku River was decorated with cherry trees.
Thanks for reading!