Aug. 10, 2018 File No. 43
Hey guys! The fireworks came back once again this summer on Saturday, August 4th.
Same as last year, we got a ticket for a toll sponsored seat, but this year, we’re reporting from a summer boat, so check it out!
Let us inform you in advance that there are two segments to this entertainment. The first part is the preshow and the second being the main event, which is the fireworks. If you want to skip the preshow, please head on over to our second half of this article. Without further ado, let’s get started!
Here is the central entrance and look at all these people! Let’s get inside!
Now, what we have here is a map of Juso theater, and it tells us how to go to the boat.
Hi, samba girls!
Wow! There are lots of seats!
As we could see, there are appetizers as well, which are catered by Ganko Foods. If only we could see what’s inside.
Now, we’re in front of the stage. It seems that Tatsuo Kamon will be singing his heart out tonight. Let’s go!
Man, that live performance was a blast, wasn’t it? Tatsuo sure stole the show, huh?
We’re almost at the boat!
On the left is the food booth, a smoking area at the front, and restrooms on the right. There is also a lottery booth so we could get our seat number, so let’s go grab our dinner and seat number!
Oh, what’s this? It’s a “FULL HOUSE” banner!
Let’s cross the pier and head to the boat!
As you can see here, the steel pile is supporting the boat so it won’t bounce. Friendly for the seasick, isn’t it?
We’re here on the boat and we’re going to head to our seats, but first, look at this marvelous view! Ahh, the fresh air and the beaming sunset!
Okay, what we’re going to do next is to get our seats. All seats in this area are reserved, so we’re lucky! Why don’t you go ahead and have a seat, face to face?
Now that it’s time for dinner, let’s see what’s inside our boxes.
Mmm, there are colorful variety of boiled veggies and fresh tea! How healthy! For your information, this dinner set is catered by a famous restaurant called Nadaman. Not only is it famous, but the guy who used to work for the restaurant, Komei Nakamura, was a TV sensation before!
Oh my, what do we have next? It’s the samba girls hitting the floor!
By the way, we were at the “Natsu Pia” seats last summer.
There you have it. That was the preshow of this summer’s fireworks. What we would like to bring to you next is the day before the fireworks spectacular. Enjoy! Here are the “Natsu Pia” tables. It’s kind of far from the fireworks, but the seats looks comfy.
On the left is the boat. Just imagine all the staffs preparing the fireworks for us. No wonder the tickets are expensive.
We’re here at the east entrance, and the building at the left is the Fireworks Committee Headquarters. At the right are the panorama stands.
These are also the stands.
The slope here is the best place to take pictures. We wanted to see the fireworks here, but we couldn’t stand the heat, so we gave up. Maybe next year.
Alright. That’s it for this article and if you want to see the main event, go ahead and click the next article and we’ll see you there. We’ll add the link to last year’s fireworks as well. Bye!
Fireworks show will finally start!
The 30th Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks 2018 (Part II)
Please click here for Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks festival last year.
The 29th Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks 2017