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Men Ippai (near west exit of Tsukamoto station/Nishiyodogawa Ward)

Nov. 02, 2017 File No. 24

First off, there is a eatery called Men Ippai that opened in 2010. It is the most famous representative in all of Tsukamoto. Usually, this place opens at 11 a.m., but the day we went, which was at the end of October, it opened at 11:30 a.m. (They are suffering due to shortage of employees)

(Side Note: We got permission for photography.)

Outside view of Menippai

The moment they opened, a row of nine seats at the counter table got occupied and there were many people waiting in line outdoors.

Inside view of Menippai

This place does not have a food ticket, so we need to pay when we order. Here is the menu.

Menu of Menippai

As we waited for a little while, the ramen we ordered before the restaurant opened came. This time we ordered, Kitakata style soy sauce flavored ramen and Tokyo style soy sauce based tsukemen (dipping noodle).

Kitakata style soy sauce flavored ramen

Kitakata style soy source flavored ramen in Menippai Kitakata style soy source flavored ramen in Menippai

The soup has a light taste of seafood, and the scent arouses appetite. The flat homemade noodles were munchy as well. You can order the noodles at a hundred grams, a hundred fifty grams, two hundred grams, and two hundred fifty grams.

Tokyo style soy sauce based tsukemen (dipping noodle)

Tokyo style soy source based tsukemen (dipping noodle) in Menippai Tokyo style soy source based tsukemen (dipping noodle) in Menippai

This soup also has a light flavoring of seafood, and you can eat the soup as well. You can order the noodles at a hundred fifty grams, two hundred grams, two hundred fifty grams, and three hundred grams.


If you walk a hundred fifty meters left along Hanshin Highway No.11 Ikeda line from Tsukamoto Station west exit, there is the restaurant along Himejima Road.

Southeast direction from Tuskamoto station west exit

If you want to go by car, you may want to park at Times Tsukamoto across Himejima Road.

Please stop by! Thanks for reading!

Outside view of Menippai at night

Men Ippai Info

Kashiwazato 2-1-24, Nishiyodogawa Ward, Osaka City, Osaka, Japan

Opening Hours

Lunch= 11:30 a.m.~ 2 p.m. (Last Order)
Dinner= 6 p.m. ~ 9 p.m. ( Last Order )
Lunch only on Sundays and Holidays

Closes on Mondays and any random days and when ingredients run out

Update date

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Ramen spots near west exit of Tsukamoto station

Ramen spots near west exit of Tsukamoto station