Jan 01, 2018 File No. 32
Happy 2018! Greetings to you too!
Since this year is the year of the dog, our New Year’s card will feature Amo-san in it. Here is how the card looks like.
This is the card printed.
The New Year’s card looks glorious thanks to our part time dog. This picture of him was taken a year ago.
Due to Amo-san’s development, he could no longer wear his hakama from last year.
That’s why we bought him a new one. Here is a comparison of the old one ( left ) and the new one ( right. )
The one on the left is large sized but the body part is a little tight. On the contrary, this year’s hakama is a perfect fit for Amo-san as it is size 2L. Both are purchased online, and both have velcro on.
Now, let’s compare Amo-san then ( left ) and now ( right. )
Amo-san has developed quite a lot for the past year. ( Side Note: You may also refer to file 6 (The New Year’s With Shiba Inu's Amo-san) and file 7 (God Ebisu and Shiba Inu's Amo-san) for more details about last year. )
See how cool Amo-san is?
The backside looks neat as well. His black tail is a perfect match with the hakama.
This is a cushion for pets seen at the top banner and the photo down below. It costs three hundred yen.
We changed the background to the tatami floorings so it would match well with Amo-san, his hakama, and his cushion. He’s in his relaxing position.